Little Hyden Woods

Access & Countryside Matters

Under Section 31(6) of Highways Act 1980 the owner of Blagdon and Lowtons Copses states the access to the Woodland Known as “Little Hyden Woods or the Bluebell woods” other than the existing statutory rights of way does is not intended to constitute a Public Right of Access.

Please also note we do not give permission for commercial dog walking to operate in Bluebell wood. This will invalidate any insurance you hold. Any other commercial or charitable activity also needs the permission of the owner before the event. Otherwise your insurance will be invalid

Wesnet Services Ltd takes access and countryside matters very seriously. We also fully support Schedule 5 of the Countryside and Rights Of Way Act 2000 (CRoW2000) the so-called ‘Right to Roam Act’.

The CRoW Act gives rights of access over land marked as access land on maps drawn up by “The Countryside Agency “. These areas are marked on the latest Ordinance Survey maps.

Schedule 5 of CRoW specifically excludes areas of woodland and other cropped land. This means that woodland and arable land are not Access Land unless specifically stated, and the public have no right of access except along Public Rights of Way such as Public Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways.

Areas of woodland included under this schedule may include Crown and other government owned land. It should be noted that although land may be marked as Access Land it may not be safe to use at certain times or may be fenced to prevent access; this may include army ranges and environmental sites such as Sites of Special Scientific interest (SSSI’s) etc.

Bluebell wood is Private woodland. It is NOT Access Land, and although the owner allows the public under Section 31(6) of Highways Act 1980 into the wood this access is under the agreement that the following rules are adhered to:

Please do

Please do not

The countryside code is a good place to find more information about the basic rules for visiting the countryside for more information look at the Countryside access website

*Wheelchair or other propelled aids permitted, but this must be at own risk as this is the countryside and may be muddy or uneven. Access should be gained along the bridle path. (Excluding Quad/ATV bikes)